Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vocabulary #4

accolade: award granted as a privilege as a special honor.

The soldier received an accolade for his brave actions.

acerbity: sour or harsh expression.
Now and then my friend looks at me with a little acerbity, but I think that's just her "zone out" face.

attrition: the action of gradually reducing the strength of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure.

The man stroked out due to his bad back, which gave him an attrition.

bromide: someone who is dull or boring.

 I can not very bromide, but when I am, I am asleep... Stay sleepy my friends.

chauvinist: a person who is really patriotic or one who believes that one gender is superior to another.

I don't know why but when I a boy at the age of 5-9 I see them as a chauvinist. 

chronic: constant, habitual.

 My neighbors dog was having a chronic with his howling and crying for his best friend to come back.

expound: to explain.

It took me a while to expound my thoughts to you.

factionalism: self-interest.

The factionalism I contain is mostly on science.

immaculate: perfectly clean.

The house looked almost immaculate, it needed some leaves to be picked though.

imprecation: cursing

I don't like imprecating because I don't want it to be a habit and start using profanity in almost ever sentence.

ineluctable: unable to be avoidable.

As I was thinking about her, it felt as if she was just ineluctable and is never going to leave.

mercurial: sudden changes.

The event shifted in a mercurial sort of matter.

palliate: to relieve without curing.

She gave me a type of palliate from my depression in ways I can't explain.

protocol: to agree upon an issue.

There was a protocol about the issue we had with Russia a couple of months ago. (Fiction)

resplendent: shining brilliantly; colorful.

I saw my friends workout shoes a couple of hours ago and they were pretty resplendent.

stigmatize: describe some mark of disgrace.
If I were to stigmatize a bad memory it would be a really emotional experience for me.

sub rosa: privately.

The meeting was held sub rosa, due to the sensitive nature of its content

vainglory:excessive pride in over ones achievements.

That man has a very vainglorious attitude towards his works of art.
vestige: a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence
"There's a sign of vestige in the floor right next to the collapsed body, we need some ultraviolet lights here."

volition: the power of  ones will.

I believe that we all have the volition to become and do whatever we'd like and become for our future. It all takes a little "imagination".

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