Monday, March 10, 2014

My Masterpiece Idea

   For my project I want to have Biology include with music. Still I am not so sure with the music part of my plan. The only reason why is because I really don't know what to do with the music part of the project but the song that influenced both ideas for this project was "Inspire" by Gazzo. But still I wanted to make a song with biology included, I am still a little more on the just biology side. I have liked science since I was a kid.
   I remember as a 6 year old boy watching the Discovery channel I was always so fascinated by the animals, I loved learning about animals. I remember being so excited for a dinosaur movie or show. Seeing different animals and watching scientists study animals. I would go outside and actually study insects and birds, I would watch them eat and fly and live their life. It felt great and I somehow didn't get bored of watching them just eat. When I was fifteen years old I wanted to go out and explore some parts of my city and see if there was any other type of environment. My old friend actually took me outside of the city and I found the woods of the city. It wasn't much but to be honest it was really one of the most gorgeous. There was a flood in the woods and it was really cool because we actually spotted an otter, some turtles, and ducks. It was really cool, I felt like a Biologist in the wild! 
  I was planning on making a song, but right now I am a little lost on where I really want to go with this. IF you have any suggestions please comment and help me out.

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